Monday, August 10, 2009

Have - A- Go Weekend and the Headless Deer!

Hey Hey Archers,

Just a quick note about this weekends 'Have A Go'

It was our best weekend to date! Two beautiful days full of sunshine and fun! Both CCA's and visitors seemed to have a good time and 'Faline' (Bambi's Girlfriend) was loved by all because if you hit her, her head fell off!! (the children found this very entertaining and of course I did too)

We've taken some pictures too that will be added to the website and Facebook very soon!

Thanks to everyone that helped out on either or both days!

See you all soon


P.s Oh and nice legs Giz! hee hee (thanks Katie)

Monday, August 03, 2009

Last Minute 'Have A Go' Archery Day

Hi All,

I'd just like to thank all who helped at the Last Minute 'Have a Go' Archery day yesterday and to the people that offered there time also.

Sorry for the short notice but there was an event on this weekend however the 'what ho Henry' actors/ess were in a car accident and so had to cancel the Saturday and maybe the Sunday also the Keeps power was down so to try and make sure there was something on at the castle the CCA came the rescue!

Thankfully the ‘what ho Henry’ cast are all ok and not major injuries! but the Keeps power is still down. Overall we had a wicked day and got some more pennies for the Club.

No rain No sun burn (apart from Newbie Johnathan who burnt his neck) but lots of fun and giggles!

So Big thanks too!

Katie, Mark Mouse, Sherk (Paul), Cath, Roger & Johnathan

Hope next weekend’s will be just as good!

Bye for now

Kate of the Keep