Friday, October 27, 2006

A few new links added.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Archery Practice Online

Thanks to Robin, we can now practice while on the computer.

Just click on the practice link on the right

I need more practice, I tried it and its fun too!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

If you want to contribute to this blog then email me or chat to me at a shoot and i will add you into the team and explain how to use it.

This is where your last arrow landed and I still can't sit down!
After just short of FOUR HOURS work, we now have a new logo at the top of this Blog site.
If the pc we were working on had a decent editing program on it the entire job would have only taken about TWO MINUTES from start to finish.
Hope you all like it - let us know.
I shot an arrow in the air
Where it fell I know not where

... I loose more flipping arrows that way !!!!

... I know, I'll join Conisbrough Castle Archers

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sorry I could not make it to the meeting. But congratulations to Becka on attaining the position of secretary. Thanks also to Mick for allowing us the use of a generator. Could you all start collecting Tesco Sports for schools and clubs vouchers as we are now registered with them and it should help us get some useful equipment if we save enough.
As you should all now be aware we will only be shooting on Tuesday evenings for the winter. This may change if we find a suitable indoor venue.
Any volunteers to help create a web site or is it down to Mark and myself to create and maintain it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

conisbrough castle archers

A meeting will be held at the castle on 17th October at 6pm
Well you lot asked for one so here it is.

Launched on 10/10/06

hope you use it and find it usefull