Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Just a quick note to remind all concerned that your N.A.F.S. membership / insurance is due for renewal at the end of March. Some people have already completed the forms and paid the club so that the can be renewed in a block as we have done in past years.
The last day the club meets before the end of the March is Tuesday 25th so if you want the club to deal with your renewal please have you forms and payment returned to the club no later than this date as the renewals will be posted not later than the 27th.

News from Castle Owners

We have been made aware that the owners of the castle have decided that the way the Castle is managed will be changed. On first discussion it would seem that this will not effect the Archery Club or its use of the facilities.
The changes are going to be in effect from Tuesday 1st April 2008.
For those with long memories you will recall a similar issue was raised in November 2006 and if you look through the archive on here you can follow the progress. This latest news stems from that initial concern but we have thus far been assured the club will not be affected.

Hope all are well and look forward to seeing you all over the next few weeks.